RHCSA Study Guide – Objective 2 : Packages

Everything below are my raw notes that I took while attending an unofficial RHCSA training session.  I am posting them here in hopes they will assist others who may be preparing to take this exam.  

My notes are my own interpretation of the lectures, and are certainly not a replacement to classroom training either through your company, or by taking the official RHCSA classes offered through Red Hat.  If you are new to the Red Hat world, I strongly suggest looking into their training courses over at Red Hat.

EXAM NOTE: Will need to know how to manually enable/create a repo

rpm -i : install
rpm -q : query the database
rpm -e : erase rpm.

EXAM NOTE: Probably won’t need to know much about rpm other then the above.

rpm -qa : Queries and lets you know everything that is installed.
rpm -qi : Queries the rpm database for pkg info.
rpm -qf : Determines which rpm a file is associated with.
rpm -ql : Queries the rpm database to determine which files are associated with an rpm.
rpm -Va : Verifies all installed packages.
rpm -Vi  : Verifies given package.
rpm -Va |grep ^..5  : This will show you everything user has changed recently.  Can be useful!

EXAM NOTE: Asides from the last one, nothing here is likely going to be applicable for the test.

How to extract RPM Contents:

cd /temp/dir
rpm2cpio /path/to/package | cpio -i -d -m

EXAM NOTE: This will not be on test. If Apache is messed up, just reinstall it.

The wrapper for RPM is yum (Yellowdog updater modified).

install : Install stuff
search : Find stuff  : ex.  yum search bash
provides : Find files within packages when yum search doesn't help : ex. yum provides sed
clean all : Useful if you broke your conf file and yum is broke.  ex. yum clean all

EXAM NOTE: The above stuff will be used on test.

How to setup repository when Redhat says: “All your packages can be found at:
http://www.example.com/directory/of/packages.” To do this, first setup the repo:

vi /etc/yum.repos.d/myrepo.repo
name = my repo thingy
gpgcheck = 0

Now list the available repos:

yum repolist

To import key if you like:

yum import /url/to/gpg/key

EXAM NOTE: **IMPORTANT** The above will be on test! This is CRITICAL. Without this, you cannot do anything!

To use a local repo, you set the baseurl as follows:
